Monday, September 1, 2014


Well, hi!

I finally managed to make a blog! The design is just for now, I'm too busy to work on the one I originally planned for this. I hope this one works fine (for you) until then :)

I've been working on this blog for a year now, actually, but somewhere along the way I started to wonder if a blog really made sense for me. I don't write reviews on things, I don't offer resources, I will definitely not write about my feelings here, and with my level of art skills back then it didn't feel right to run a blog. What could I possibly blog about anyway?

But as I am spending more and more of my time with drawing (that time that I'm not on twitter, hehe) and I started posting progress of some works and also doodles on twitter, I thought that maybe posting them on a separate blog instead would be better. Since there are people (if only three) who are interested and using my tumblr for that is kind of stupid, I decided to make a blog to post doodles, pictures of my progress and all that stuff on the same site. (And not spam twitter.)

Also, I will run my challenges on here as I'm planning another one depending on my free time. And, if anyone's interested (which I know that a very few people are) I will do some tutorials or answer questions (I do get some, yay me!).

Oh, why that name? I know no one's really interested in that but I wanted to explain it anyway. When I was little, we used to have a red currant bush in our backyard. It was small but somehow "hollow" inside which provided a perfect hiding spot! So that red currant bush was my childhood hideout, my spot, and that's what this blog will hopefully be!

I hope I'll pull this through and not lose interest in blogging again (this is like my... 10th blog, lol).

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